Come visit the cutest, little Scrapbook Store in the Phoenix area...
"Phoenix Scrapbook Store" is located at the Brass Armadillo Antique Mall in Phoenix, AZ.
"BOOTH 96"
Open 9am-9pm daily.
12409 N. 28th Dr. NW of Cactus and I-17.
"Phoenix Scrapbook Store" is located at the Brass Armadillo Antique Mall in Phoenix, AZ.
"BOOTH 96"
Open 9am-9pm daily.
12409 N. 28th Dr. NW of Cactus and I-17.
Hi Pamela, I thank you for the lovely comment on my Shabby chic pillow firstly. I also have to say WoW! I just wish I lived close by I would never be away from your store LOL! love it sooo much. It's been a dream of mine to own a little shop like this, how lucky you are.I posted the method I used on my blog so everyone can use it. Hugs Vee xx