Friday, November 7, 2008

MeLRoSe ViNTaGe -- SHaBBy SToRe

Oh my! I just realized that I haven't posted anything on my Blog for 2 months! I have some catching up to do!

Yesterday, I went to visit one of my favorite stores in Central Phoenix called "Melrose Vintage". It is like stepping into the pages of a Country Living magazine. They carry Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic line. There is also a HUGE room full of Paper Crafting products--I couldn't resist and bought some wonderful Vintage-themed paper!

I have posted photos of "Melrose Vintage" previously, but you can't get enough of how lovely this store is.


  1. Oh what a fun shop! Wish I was closer!

  2. WOW! I wish I was closer too! I could spend hours just looking at all that eye candy!


Thank you for your comment! I am so thrilled that you stopped by!xo

-pamela :)