Saturday, September 15, 2007

NoT aNoTHeR PaPeR BaG ALBuM...

No, not this time! This is a CHIPBOARD Journal Album called "MoN aMi"...which means "My Friend" in French. This little 16 page book is ALL 7 Gypsies and will be featured in the Boutique as a KIT later this week--includes EVERYTHING you need--PAPERS, rubbings, fibers, book, and all. Just add your own photos or create this and give it to your friend. How much FUN is that???


  1. What a beautiful album! And your blog is fantastic, I'll be visiting more often!

  2. Love the colours! Its a great album, pretty and funky!

  3. What a fantastic album, love the papers and colors.

  4. OMG my heart is racing!! How come I havent found your blog before???!! I love it!! Every picture is fabulous! OK I want that kit!!!

  5. Such a fun album! I love how all of your posts are full of wonderful color!

  6. Wow, this is amazing. I love this album. One of these days I have to make something this detailed.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your's is FuN!
    What a great album. I'll be checking back often. :)

  8. WOWZER! You sure have been a very bee ceating beauites! Such wonderful creativity! TFS- New challenge posted on my blog! Deb


Thank you for your comment! I am so thrilled that you stopped by!xo

-pamela :)