Sunday, August 5, 2007

BoNuS PiX--aT CHA...WiTH LiSA Z!!!

ok...ok!!! I've been get several emails asking "WHY don't you have any photos of yourself on your BLOG" (put a face to the BLOG??? I dunno?)...yes, photos of Chimps, Oompa Loompas, & Gomez Addams, but none of me to be found!

Alrighty, here is a photo from CHA at the Crafty Secrets booth of me with Lisa Z. (BTW--she was the sweetest person you could ever meet!!!). I'm the one wearing the HOT DOG shirt.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girlfriend! Wowzer, I can't believe 7 Gypsies got ripped off too! Some of the stuff got taken from Crafty too! WTH? Hope you had a great weekend, sister! :) LZ


Thank you for your comment! I am so thrilled that you stopped by!xo

-pamela :)