Thursday, July 26, 2007

EvEn MoRe cHa PHoToS...

When I began my adventure to the CHA Show on Friday (July 20th) started with sitting NEXT to (well, across the aisle) the GOVERNOR of ARIZONA on my early morning flight! Can you just say "WOW!" How often does THAT happen?!!! I was sitting in Coach too. She was sitting next a Rastafarian dude--I had to get him in the photo too. (I asked if I could snap a photo...yes, it was a VERY well secured flight!)

FABULOUS weather in Chicago! (it was like 78 degrees..which is WAY cooler than the 113 degrees I was flying in from.) Beautiful Hotel !! So much FUN!

I saw the "Summer of Love" show on Saturday night at the Hyatt. The dinner show in the Grand Ballroom was decked out in 60's style--complete with psychedelic Dancers and a Austin Powers look-alike..."YEAH BABY!!"

The "Summer of Love" show featured "Beatlemania" (aka the fake Beatles)..of course, being a HUGE fan of the FAB FOUR, this was not the 1st time I had seen these FAB look-alike Lads play in concert--they do an amazing show & sound like the REAL BEATLES!! Like for real!!

Enjoy the photos! More tomorrow!


  1. I know that you had a blast! Everything looks like it is so much fun there. I hope that I can make it next year's CHA.

  2. Wow, looks like you had fun!!! Love the 60's photos... so cool.

  3. Oh wow! Didn't realize Janet Napolitano flew regular airlines...and in coach yet. Good for her!!!!
    Love your blog!


Thank you for your comment! I am so thrilled that you stopped by!xo

-pamela :)