Tuesday, July 24, 2007

tHe cHa SHoW...iN CHiCaGo

HeLLo!!! I'm back from the CHA show in Chicago--BOY, what a BLAST of FUN that was!!! I will display photos over the next few days! So much to see--NEVER enough time! I need a new pair of legs from ALL the walking!

I met Lisa Zappa at the Crafty Secrets booth--not only is she so talented, but she is just adorable! I recognized her instantly from her Blog Photo! Here are a few photos from the Crafty Secrets booth...

The last one is of the whole booth. In case you are wondering WHO are the backs of the ladies in the booth--well, that is Lisa Z. helping CS Owner Sandy with her apron and the lady bending over the table is Sandy's sister Wendy--the nicest bunch of ladies you'll ever meet! Enjoy!


  1. Isn't that Crafty Secrets booth to die for? Just love their stuff.

  2. I completely missed this whole booth!
    But then again I missed a few others too...sheesh.
    Loved Melissa Frances booth too!

  3. Yep... some of that stuff definatly looks familiar! lol Sandy is just a doll! And that was the first time I got to meet Lisa Z also... I just love her! I miss working the CS booth this time,but hadnt worked the Fancy Pants booth for quite some time..so wanted to take a turn.. CHA is intense isnt it! WHEW!

  4. I was there too! IT really WAS fun! Great pics of the products!

  5. Looks like fun, they are great pics


Thank you for your comment! I am so thrilled that you stopped by!xo

-pamela :)